We help our clients to select and develop great leaders...who reimagine leadership and get results.

IYS Book Club

Improving Your Team Every Week

If you were able to implement the principles and lessons Mike used aboard Benfold in your own team, coming to work might be much different.  By changing your team's attitudes and strengthening the internal relationships, you can improve performance and affect how people view their role in the company. 

Hundreds of organizations have used It's Your Ship to make this change.  By assigning weekly chapters to your team and discussing ways of improving the ways you operate, you will see how empowerment and accountability become the most powerful tools you have. 

How:  One chapter at a time – weekly – is all it takes.  To begin, assign Chapter One this Friday and let your team know what you expect from weekly discussions.  Let them know that they are the reason you're interested in changing the way things are done.  After all, when your team is engaged, they perform at a higher level.  Empower them to take charge within the team.  Meet with your team on Monday afternoon for thirty minutes over coffee – and get their input.  Internalize and follow the outline provided below for discussion points in each chapter if it helps.  Take notes on ideas that can be used from the book to improve your teams, and be specific on how your team has decided to implement those actions.  Then, summarize in an email to your team.   The book's chapters will guide you through the rest of the process. 

Choose Your Pathway