We help our clients to select and develop great leaders...who reimagine leadership and get results.

White Papers

Want to know more about the science and research behind GLS' Assessment Tools?

Download these white papers and explore the comprehensive methodology used to produce our Assessments.

Thinking Style Assessment White Paper

The Thinking Pattern Profile (HVP) is based on Dr. Robert S. Hartman's Formal Axiology, which in an abbreviated sense is the measurement of intangibles. What are intangibles and how can they be measured? The important choices we have to make in life and in business are based on intangibles.


Behavioral Style Assessment White Paper

The Behavioral Style assessment, also known as a DISC Profile, is one of a family of instruments typically referred to or known as "personality tests." GLS Worldwide (GLS) rejects this misnomer due to the fact that the term "personality" is a very generalized and global term that refers to the entirety of an individual or a person as an embodiment of a collection of qualities.


Motivational Style Assessment White Paper

The Motivational Style (MS) assessment tool, also known as the Values Index, is the culmination of the work of Drs. Eduard Spranger and Gordon Allport and their study of human value, motivation and drive.