We help our clients to select and develop great leaders...who reimagine leadership and get results.

Case Study: Multi-Unit Restaurant Manager Selection

A fast growing restaurant company was having challenges selecting managers. Adding to the challenge was a limited selection process and a lack of assessment tools to identify potential high performers. The lack of a uniform process resulted in inconsistent screening.


With over 300 managers we were able to identify a large enough sample of high and low performers to begin our proprietary Benchmarking process. This benchmark analysis demonstrated that all three of our assessments, the Thinking Style, Behavioral Style and Motivational Style, would be valuable in identifying high performers.

We supplemented the assessment profiles by identifying the key competencies of high performing managers. This allowed us to create specific Behavioral Interview Guides to be used during the interview process. The competency modeling and assessment reports allowed recruiters to be better prepared in the interviews and more efficient during the selection process.

The screening process was simple in that it allowed each manager candidate to go online and complete the assessment process within 30 minutes. The recruiter would then immediately receive a report with the results. The assessment report report identified whether the applicant was a high (red), moderate (yellow) or low (green) risk to succeed in a manager role within the restaurant's unique environment and culture. By identifying the risk, the recruiter had a better understanding of where to focus during the interviews and which behavioral questions to ask the candidate.


By providing the recruiter a candidate's assessment score and risk level, prior experience and Behavioral Interview Guides, the screening process was simplified, made more efficient and the ratio of applicants-to-hire was significantly reduced.

Within 12 months the hourly staff turnover was reduced 25% and the ratio of applicants-to-hire was reduced 50%.