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Assessing, selecting and developing talent focused leaders.

Recruiting and Talent Selection

Tracy Cruz

Even with unemployment as high as it is, I still hear that finding top talent is one of the top concerns that keep CEOs up at night.

It’s crucial to remember—even in this tough economic climate, talented people always have choices. The talent is out there (maybe right there on your team!), but you must be clear about what you’re looking for, and have a detailed plan to find the right person.

As an HR professional specializing in recruiting, I have worked with leaders whose departments had high turnover. I’ve also partnered with leaders with low turnover. One key element that is universal across low-turnover leaders is that they not only knew how to take care of their people, they also clearly understood that it took planning and the right tools to find the right person to complement their team.  These leaders knew that people that thrived in one company might not always succeed in theirs. Fit isn’t just about what’s on a person’s resume. Yes, it’s about finding a person with the skills required to do the job, but they must also fit in with their team and organization’s culture. Finding the right person–for the right role—at the right time—requires having the right tools and processes in place if want to create a winning team.

So, what is the formula for success?

Step One – The Talent You May Need May Be Right INSIDE Your Door

You most likely have some amazing people within your organization that just need a chance to shine. Take a minute and ask yourself; What is the makeup of my current team? What’s the unique talent that each person brings? Is there someone internally that fits our needs? What are their strengths? Where are their gaps? What kind of person will be a valuable addition, as well as provide the right balance to the team?

Step Two – Look Beyond The Job Description

The next step is to take the time to look beyond a job description by having a conversation with your team and HR to get their input. Have a discussion about the skills, qualities and compatibility the candidates must have to be a fit for the role, the culture and your team.

Step Three – Use What’s In Your Arsenal

Lastly, look at the your hiring tools (interview process, interview guides, assessments etc.). Do you have the right tools to find the right person?  Are you using these tools or are you making a “gut” decision? Do you work as a team to find the right person and are you willing to keep a role on your team vacant to make sure you find the right fit?

Your talent is your lifeblood, be sure to allocate the time and energy required to keep your pipeline strong. Recruiters are tasked with finding the top talent in the marketplace, but it is up to you the leader to make the final decision about who will be joining your team. The wrong choice has many unfortunate consequences. Not only do you risk “turning over” the new hire, you also risk disrupting the current talent on your team that you do not want to lose.

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