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Assessing, selecting and developing talent focused leaders.

Leadership Blog

George Metanias

Know Yourself

Are you the type of leader that others will want to follow? How will you know? What can you do to become one or to continue being that kind of leader?

Great leaders set the example for others to follow. Their character stands strong and is not blown in different directions, regardless of good times or bad. They are aware of their strengths and where they need to improve. They know themselves. And, in the process, they create a living legacy.

I was recently thinking about how leaders can know the answers to the questions above. Living in Denver, I remembered reading an article in the Denver Post written by a mom of two little boys. The article http://www.denverpost.com/opinion/ci_25077270/dear-mr-manning was written after the devastating loss to the Seahawks in the Super Bowl.

She wrote the following about Peyton Manning: “You hand down an example of work ethic, of courage to come back after a career threatening injury, of humility in victory and graciousness in defeat, and of perspective on one’s accomplishments. That legacy matters, and that’s why yours is untarnished, even – and especially – after last Sunday’s Super Bowl loss.”

Isn’t it amazing how in one paragraph she captures Manning’s humble perspective on his accomplishments and the character traits that make those around him want to follow him into battle? He is a leader others want to follow, and you can be too.

So how can you know? It’s starts with awareness. Some people are aware and can figure it out on their own; some awareness can come from trusted peers, friends and coaches. And some awareness can come from a revolutionary assessment tool we created called TalMetrics http://www.glsworld.com/talmetrics that can provide insights to help you become the kind of leader that others will want to follow.

Know yourself, and then become the best you can be. Don’t settle for second best. Be a great coach and mentor to your people who put it on the line for you everyday. And create a living legacy that makes those around you come to work each day exhilarated to be there. There are plenty of examples to follow – become that example for others.

Category: Leadership | Leave a comment

George Metanias

Shedding Your Coat and Habits

Blue skies, a slight breeze and 72 degrees—a perfect spring day here in Denver to sit outside and enjoy lunch. Our President, Stacey Cunningham had just flown in from very dreary and snowy Philadelphia. We sat, soaking up the sun and warmth as we ate, brainstormed and strategized. You all know this feeling, no matter where you live. That feeling that comes with each new season, especially a warm spring day after a brutally snowy and cold winter. The excitement of change, the newness of seeing the sun again and feeling that nothing is impossible. For me, spring tends to bring out a feeling of optimism, starting fresh and being willing to take on a challenge.

One challenge that many of us jump into this time of year with zeal is spring-cleaning. We exuberantly gather our cleaning supplies, make our to do lists and launch into sprucing up our homes, yards and garages. This right of passage into spring makes us feel focused, organized and renewed.

Just like with our closets and attics, our leadership style may also benefit from a spring-cleaning. Ask yourself–is it time to shed some bad habits, pack away some behaviors cluttering your effectiveness or spruce up your leadership approach?

This time of the year is a great time to get out and take inventory of what your doing well, areas that may need some work, as well as some potential habits that might need to be broken. Spring is a great excuse to get out of your winter rut and renew your commitment to leadership excellence.

So, just like when we spring clean our homes you will need the right tools (cleaning supplies) at your disposal to do a top-notch job.  Two tools that come to mind are a 360 evaluation and our revolutionary TalMetrics assessment.

A 360 evaluation will allow you to take stock of how others see you—your strengths, challenges and areas to development. 360’s can be as simple as asking a few trusted advisors for some honest and candid feedback to working with an Executive Coach who can gather detailed data from a multitude of sources and then help you put a plan in place to truly impact your performance.

While 360’s give you great perspective on “what” you do, TalMetrics can give you the insight on “why” you do the things you do. This tool allows you to look at your actions from three vantage points—how you think (why do you make the choices and decisions you do) to what makes you tick (what motivates you) to how you show up (the behaviors others experience and see when they interact with you).

Couple these two “cleaning supplies” together and you have a powerful agent to refine your leadership skills, elevate your capabilities and rid yourself of some of the bad habits you may have developed “over the winter.”

So get out there and enjoy spring and continue to bloom as a leader.

Category: Leadership | 1 Comment